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Tag: json

Ignoring property when deserializing

I have a simple interface with getter and setter for a property. I have another class UserAccount which implements this interface. My problem is that I want to serialize the money property but ignore while deserializing it i.e., dont accept any values from the user for this property. I have tried @JsonIgnore on setter and @JsonIgnore(false) on the getter, it

JSONObject ClassNotFoundException

I am working in IntelliJ and using Maven. I have a class that uses JSONObject: Maven dependency in the pom.xml file: I can do a mvn clean package and builds successfully. But when I try to run it, I get: Error: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.json.JSONObject Is there anything else I’m missing here? Thanks! Answer Add json jar to your classpath or use

How to convert list data into json in java

I have a function which is returning Data as List in java class. Now as per my need, I have to convert it into Json Format. Below is my function code snippet: I tried To convert into json by using this code but it is giving type mismatch error as function is of type List… Please help me resolve this.

Converter from Json into groovy CODE?

It’s a kind of odd question for an odd situation. I have a large JSON structure which I would like to represent in running groovy code. I need groovy objects that mirror the same structure as the JSON objects. As to be expected a web search mostly returns results with groovy/json runtime conversion stuff, but nothing about things that output

How do I get the compact/minified form of pretty-printed JSON in Java?

How do I make Jackson’s build() method pretty-print its JSON output? is an example that pretty-prints the JSON string. I need to take the pretty-printed version of JSON string and then convert it to the compact/minified form. How can it be done? I need to convert this: to this: I tried to remove ‘n’, ‘t’, and ‘ ‘ characters; but

Jackson JSON custom serialization for certain fields

Is there a way using Jackson JSON Processor to do custom field level serialization? For example, I’d like to have the class serialized to the follow JSON: Note that age=25 is encoded as a number while favoriteNumber=123 is encoded as a string. Out of the box Jackson marshalls int to a number. In this case I want favoriteNumber to be
