I would like to know how to query some child objects using their name as a parameter in Spring boot. Let’s say I have a class parent with a one-to-many relationship with the child. The child has a parameter called name. So I would like to query using like “%name%” so the query would return me a list with all
Tag: jpa
Showing a specific JSON response for my GET endpoint
I have a many-to-many relationship between Department and Employee I have already done a mapping for the GET endpoint which returns a list of departments that contain Employees, this is the request: http://localhost:8080/api/departments/1/employees, and this is the response I get: This is the code that gets the job done: Department Repository Imp Employee Service Impl Department Controller Now what I
NullPointerException on JPA on SpringBoot
I’m new on SpringBoot and I’m making a small CRUD. When I try to make a GET request that show me a list of soccer teams from my BD called “soccer” I’ve have the following error message: My model “Equipo” is: My Repositorie “EquipoRepo” is My service “EquipoServicio” is: And my REST class called “EquipoREST” is: Answer Try to add
testEntityManager.persistFlushFind() giving error “detached entity passed to persist”
I was trying to test h2 Repository with spring-boot-testing .Below is the Testing code is used.: In the above code I am facing this “detached entity passed to persist”. “testEntityManager.persistFlushFind(new Product(1,”A”,”dec”,false))” is giving below error: Please tell how can i resolve the issue.For more info please comment Answer You didn’t show your Product entity. But I assume that the ID
Update DB column which has null value in Spring boot JPA
I am trying to update in the database with the help of the Spring JPA and having an issue while doing it. I have an Embedded class in my entity. My entity class is : My Repository class is : Audit, Transfer and Beneficiary Details are my Emededded class and those are : My Controller class is: My error stack
Hibernate how to commit transaction even when exception pops up
i have a method in Service A And another method in Service B My problem is that when “repository.insertRandomValue()” throws ConstraintViolationException for example, then even tho it was caught in catch(), the thread ends with I have tried setting the propagation to REQUIRES_NEW and tried to set up transaction manager and GlobalRollbackOnParticipationFailure to false. I want it to simply ignore
How to create a JPA entity for a table that doesn’t have a Primary Key or Unique Key column
l have a table without a Primary Key or Unique Key column. I need to manipulate this table from the Spring application by using JPA and Hibernate. While I was trying to map this table’s entity, it fails because there’s no @Id mapping. I tried to make a composite id from all the entity properties to ensure uniqueness, but in
Problem with Foreign Key in @OneToOne annotation
I have spent a couple of days with a weird problem. There is a plethora of similar posts here in StackOverflow and I have check a lot of them but I was unable to find something similar with this. I have a Human Parent class A User child class : and also a CollectionOfContactMethods with composition relationship with the User.
Can a Java hibernate/persistence entity have a related entity ID as well as the related entity?
Pretty simple setup, I have a building entity that belongs to an account. So the building entity looks like: (BaseEntity provides id, created and lastModified columns) I.e. The building has a name, the ID of the account it belongs to, and then the account entity that it belongs to. However, with this setup I’m getting errors when my Spring Boot
Using the concept of JPA, how to update table using data from another table?
FmoReorgGeo.java FMOReorgGeoServiceImpl.java FMOReorgGeoRepository.java ERROR LOG *I am trying to fetch data from reorgViewX and then updating FmoReorgGeo table. I am being able to fetch data correctly but when running update query I am getting error. The error says: Could not extract result set metadata; nested exception is org.hibernate.HibernateException: Could not extract result set metadata. I am using the concept of