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Tag: jpa

Jpa unit test – Service – entity manager null

This is what I tried: the error that I get is ‘ Runner org.junit.internal.runners.ErrorReportingRunner (used on class does not support filtering and will therefore be run completely. Test class should have exactly one public zero-argument constructor’ Here is the LocationService: Answer Hello there is 3 issues in your test code. 1 you should remove the EntityManager entityManager from your

JPA Specification for Enum

My JPA Entity as an Enum field Where If I add a where condition with a specification what is the correct way to include Enums into Specification queries? Answer Try doing this:

JPQL issue updating records

Trying to update a record in a database but getting this error: Code below is responsible for inserting it Im not sure if there is a type issue with propId being a Long or if i have written the SQL paths wrong or both. Answer You’re trying to execute an SQL query as JPQL. There are a couple options to

Criteria API join with filter

So I am trying to replace the following native SQL with JPA Criteria Api: or The entities look a bit like this: I implemented a I can use together with a JpaSpecificationExecutor like: and But I only get one side of the join/select like: when I do: How do I add the table to the select here? So the

Spring Data Jpa: persisting child entities from parent entity does not update child identity

Environment: OS: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Java: OpenJDK 17.0.3 Spring Boot: 2.6.7 MySQL: 8.0.29 Is it normal for Spring Data Jpa (or Jpa in general) to NOT update child identity attributes when the child is persisted (saved) via the parent entity repository? Consider this: When I call someClassFunction() I get: The database assigned id is NOT available to me immediately. I

Update statement is no query?

How do I define the update statement in the orm.xml. I have it as a named-query and everything works, but my teacher said that an update statement isn’t a query. I have tried a native query, but that wasn’t working. ORM-Type: Update Statement: Answer The term “query” is used rather ambiguously. Some people interpret it literally as “asking for information”,

Create custom finder with spring

I trying to implement a database with a many-to-many relationship.The database has been built, now we need queries to it. I’m using this article as an example: When I create custom finder in Repository – server crushes at running. I have two Entity: MassageEntity and RstringsEntity. I’m trying to create a method List<MasageEntity> findMasageEntitiesByRstringsEntitiesId(Long string_id);. Without that method server
