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Tag: jpa

printing TypedQuery in console

How to sysout the TypedQuery in eclipse console. Am trying with .toString() and its not working Please find my java code below. Answer You need to enable logging for the the following categories: So a log4j configuration could look like: The first is equivalent to hibernate.show_sql=true legacy property, the second prints the bound parameters among other things. Another solution (non

Spring Data JPA Distinct Returning Duplicate Values

In my Spring boot application I have a query which should return a distinct List of Focus’ (works perfectly in MySQL) However this does not return distinct values, duplicates are contained in the resulting list. Another issue is that I can’t return a whole entity using @Query annotation – changing my query to SELECT DISTINCT(F) FROM Focus F gives the

Jpa Enum error with Smallint type in postgres

I want to put enum in my entity. But I have an error with validation which JPA wonts smallint set as enum. How I can solve this issue. “Schema-validation: wrong column type encountered in column [status] in table [order]; found [int2 (Types#SMALLINT)], but expecting [int4 (Types#INTEGER)]”[enter image description here] Answer Add columnDefinition=”int2” at OrderStatus in your entity. Tested on spring

How to join two tables with a group query using Hibernate (5.4) Criteria?

This is my Project Entity: ( ) This is my Task Entity: ( ) Desired DTO: ( ) Table structure in database: tasks: id title description project_id projects: id name description The main question: What I need now is to join the “projects” table and “tasks” table grouping by the “project_id” column. And obtain List as output.

Why are related entities being escaped when converted to JSON?

I have a Spring MVC controller which fetches some entities via a query. These entities have a related entity that is eagerly fetched. However, when I use JSONObject.toString() it escapes the related model data: The value in the language property is an escaped JSON object from the related entity. Why is it being escaped like that? How do I prevent

ClassNotFoundException for HibernatePersistenceProvider

I have a JSF project which builds perfectly with java 7, but when I try to deploy the WAR in Jboss Application Server, I’m getting the bellow error. The persistance.xml looks like bellow The bellow dependencies are included in the pom The JBoss version is 7.1.1 Final What am I doing wrong here? Answer The issue here was the conflict

What is the difference between CriteriaBuilder.createQuery and EntityManager.createQuery?

Let’s say I have the code, like: Can some please explain why we are using two createQuery() methods and what is the difference between them? Answer CriteriaBuilder#createQuery(Class<T> resultClass) creates CriteriaQuery<T> and EntityManager#createQuery(CriteriaQuery<T> criteriaQuery) creates TypedQuery<T>. TL;DR: These two types are not the alternatives of each other, they rather serve the different purposes: CriteriaQuery<T> is used to programmatically define query, instead

JPA strange behavior when using SELECT

I am new to Java and try developing a SWing app for library using JPA controller generated. When I try to select result from sql server database, I use this command CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = …

Does the data type used in JPA entity class for defining a column impact the creation of a query in DAO?

In java entity class, I defined a named query and data types for columns. I executed the query in a DAO class but got the error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Type specified for TypedQuery [TestEntity] is incompatible with query return type [class java.util.Date]. I have not used a java.util.Date class for defining the mydate column, instead I used java.sql.Timestamp, so it’s unclear why
