Since i upgraded to WildFly 23 I have not been able to get shrinkwrap/arquillian to resolve classes correctly. Here is the createDeployment function My issue is that for testing we have some test data that exists at: org.<company>.crs.utils, it is a bunch of static data that we use for our functional tests to compare the expected database data to the
Tag: jboss-arquillian
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError running TestNG Test in Eclipse
I am getting the Exception Running Arquillian Tests in Eclipse Oxygen with TestNG and wildfly11. My Maven configuration is as follows: Answer The Solution was: remove the the Wildfly 11 Runtime from the Classpath. Right Click on the Project Build Path Configure Build Path Libraries (Tab) remove Wildfly 11 Runtime (or Wildfly 10 Runtime) Why is this necessary? Comments welcome…
Integrating JaCoCo, Arquillian and REST Assured brings me a code coverage of 0%
I’m using JaCoCo, Arquillian and rest-assured to test my RESTFul API. The problem is that I’m getting a 0% code coverage within my JaCoCo report. I’m using a maven profile for test cases, getting a wildfly instance, deploying it on JVM, deploying my API and then running the tests. I’ve made some researches and reach the point where I know