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Tag: java

Spring R2DBC Repos auto configuration not resolving dependencies

I Have the following repository: in which I try to use R2DBC in order to do db operations in an async manner. I followed the following tutorial (but maybe it is outdated Here are the relevant dependancies of my pom: I am using the default configurations, so I only have the following configuration in my properties yaml: And

Custom Notification for incoming call not showing in android

I am trying to make a custom incoming call notification like WhatsApp for my app if I don’t use this custom layout then my notification is working. I am trying this for the first time any help will be appreciated. This is my FireBaseMessagingService Class This is my channel This is my FCMReceiver Class Answer In you NotificationBuilder you need

Remove numbers from a list that begins with a specif digit

For example, i have this list How i remove only the numbers that begins with “6” Answer There are several ways how you can approach this task: using an Iterator; by utilizing so-called traditional for loop; with a help of Stream IPA; using method Collection.removeIf(). Note that attempt to address this problem using enhanced for loop (sometimes called “for-each” loop)

How Spring Batch Step chunkSize and JpaPagingItemReader pageSize work together

Im developing a Spring Batch application. Although I’m getting more and more comfortable with it, I came across with something that is making me very confused. Please take a look at this step configuration. As you can see it’s a pretty standard step. My confusion is related to the chunk size (50) and the reader (processNonExportedMbfsOperationsItemReader). Reader code next: The

How to conditionally serialize a field

I want to conditionally serialize a field. I figured out how to conditionally ignore a field with But what I really want to do is to redact the field. So if I have I get Field2 is correctly ignored. But what I really want is I have another annotation, @MaskSensitiveData So what I want to do is combine them. So

Java ClassVersionError although version seems to be okay

I’m getting the following error in my java web app (The application launches okay but when I click a button following error occurs). I’m using Tomcat (7.0.109) to run this application. java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: FileDetailsServlet has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime (class file version 59.0), this version of the Java Runtime only recognizes class file versions

My Spring JPA queries do not work with H2

This query below does not work and it generates me an exception When I used the MySQL database, the query worked fine. But now that I am using the H2 database, it suddenly does not work. Why? How do I fix this? Answer It would be better to use JPA. If you still wanna use nativeQuery, use like this:

iText paragraph.setRotationAngle changes text orientation

I’m trying to add some vertical texts to a PDF file, but when I rotate my paragraphs with setRotationAngle every space turn into a line break or the text orientation is changed, I’m not sure. The pictures show the result I expect and the result I’m getting. I’m using iText 7.1.0 at NetBeans 12.3. Result I want Result I get
