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Tag: java-stream

What is the right way to compare the List of HashMap in Java using streams

I want to compare two List of HashMaps in Java. I want to understand a way to compare them using lambda expressions and not with a nested for loop. Two List of HashMaps : productDetailsFromInputData; Sample Data : productDetailsFromApplication; Sample Data : Logic : I want to loop through the productDetailsFromInputData List and fetch the ProductName Value for each hashmap,

How do i make use of groupingby in java

I have a movie list from a web service that i need to group using genres attribute from the data. My question is very similar to this groupby ngFor angular2 but in java instead. movie list from the web service looks like this here is what i’m trying to achieve but i cant seems to get it right i’ve tried

Java 8 Streams Map Reduced Value after Group By

Using Java streams, I would like to calculate the cost given a list of items, grouped by type. After getting the cost, I would like to map the BigDecimal to a formatted currency String. Is it possible to map reduced and grouped values? Answer You can wrap your reducing collector in CollectingAndThen collector which takes a downstream collector and a

Using Stream API to count stats

I have following model representing a Snack bar SnackBarStat – This has a start date for a booking, number of customers in booking and number of Days(customer can set a start date and say for how many days they want to have table) Now given a list of such stats I am trying to find for each date how many

Need a equivalent code in java streams for iterating list of Object

Can anyone help me with the stream equivalent code Note:- I cannot make the studentFinalList “final” Answer Some conditions in the code seem to be redundant and may be removed without affecting the logic: StringUtils.isBlank(ep.getName()) && ep.getName() == null may be shortened to ep.getName() == null – because StringUtils.isBlank checks for null, empty, or whitespace-only string StringUtils.isNotBlank(ep.getName()) && !ep.getName().equals(“”) &&

how to get size of list value of map by streams in java

I’m trying to group a list of strings by the length. and then I want to get count of each group. and I did the first one and I can’t do the next. how can I fix my code with streams? output: {4=[Brad, Jack], 6=[Juliet, Audrey], 7=[William], 8=[Leonardo], 9=[Alexander]} the next thing that I want to get is count of

Stream groupBy to nested maps with casting

Need to calculate total number by gender from below structure of nested Maps. But as data stored as Object need to cast it at every iteration. After grouping not able to cast last leaf Map to calculate and filter date object. Applied below stream, Answer It is a rather unusual way to store data. I would recommend you to implement
