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Tag: intellij-idea

Space Error in Intelliji IDE – Intellij.ide.SystemHealthMonitor – Low disk space on a IntelliJ IDEA system directory partition [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 7 years ago. Improve this question Due to low running memory – Intelliji is consistently throwing a pop up error “low disk space error in intelliJ IDE.”(repeatedly) Version – IntelliJ Idea

Use JDBC/Mysql Connector in intellij idea

I’m new in Java, and I need to establish a connection to a MySQL server (local), I have add the libraries in Intellij idea but it seems not work, the IDE can’t find the class i think… I become crazy I’m searching since two hours… I come from visual studio/c# dev environment and i think that i should miss something…

How to create a JavaFX Maven project in IntelliJ IDEA?

How can I open a JavaFX Maven project from scratch in IntelliJ IDEA? As there is no difference between a Java project and a JavaFx project, I want to open a dedicated JavaFX project (Selection JavaFX from create project Wizard) with Maven module included. Answer Although dated I’m answering this because I had the same question recently and too many

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError with Intellij And Maven

I am working with Maven 3.0.5 and Intellij 14.0.2 and Maven is not copying the required Jars in my project’s calsspath so I am copying it manually and trying to exccute the main class of my project it is throwing me following error: I know its very common and found a bunch of solutions at StackOverflow but none of them

Error:java: javacTask: source release 8 requires target release 1.8

Using IntelliJ IDE can’t compile any projects. Screenshots of settings below: Used JDK: Project SDK and Language level: Language Level: Anybody have any ideas? Answer Go to File > Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Compiler > Java Compiler If on a Mac, it’s under Intellij IDEA > Preferences… > Build, Execution, Deployment > Java Compiler Change Target bytecode version

Lombok and Maven

I’m trying to use Lombok with Maven and VRaptor on IntelliJ but it doesn’t work. I already read some info in stackoverflow but none solved my problem, i already enabled the Annotation Processor in Intellij but still nothing. I tryied to compile it from command-line too (Windows) and didn’t work. I also tryed to create another project without maven and

Class file has wrong version 52.0, should be 50.0

I’m trying to compile my project in IntelliJ idea. I’m using a class in an external jar file and on compilation receiving the following error. I understand that it’s saying the jar file was compiled with a newer Java version than that which IntelliJ is using. My question is how do I make them compatible? I have updated the Java
