I know there is one for VS Alt + down/up arrow. I couldn’t find one for Intellij though. Answer Yes there is. ⌃+Down is the shortcut for this. My setup is fn + alt + Down/Up arrow (may work for you too). Down/Up for next/previous method. You may check it by settings -> keymap -> navigate -> navigate in file
Tag: intellij-idea
Unable to reload Maven project: Cannot reconnect. java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot reconnect
i got a new Mac Book and installed IntellJ, as soon as I try to import (new Project from existing source) a maven project i get the error “Unable to reload Maven project”. To make it simpler, i just created a new simple maven project via start.spring.io to make sure I dont have any fancy dependencies. I also tried to
Add Framework Support missing in Intellij
I am trying to add an external library using Maven. Tutorials mention to right click on a module, and select “add framework support.” I have looked in detail, and I cannot find that option in my IntelliJ. Here is my current version of IntelliJ Any insight would be appreciated, as I have been stuck on this for a while. Answer
Intellij highlighting not existing errors, thinking that LWJGL is not imported
I imported LWJGL to the libs folder inside the project. The application works fine, but Intellij is highlighting almost every line, thinking that lwjgl is not imported. Is there any simple solution? I want to avoid importing the library another way. Answer Try invalidating caches via File → Invalidate caches/restart in the top menu.
Log4j warning and ClassNotFoundException problem
I am trying to run my javaFX project on the console using the jar file of the project on windows. I am running the program with the following command: java -jar INF202_PROJECT.jar When I run it in the IDE (I am using intellij) it runs normally and as expected but I get the following output: And when I run the
Error starting ApplicationContext in Spring when add @OneToOne Annotation
: I am a beginner in Java Spring MVC and I want to create a simple program using spring boots. But I have a problem: When I add @OneToOne and @JoinColumn to my model class, the project doesn’t start! Error: Error starting ApplicationContext. To display the conditions report re-run your application with ‘debug’ enabled. 2020-05-24 15:24:45.140 ERROR 5368 — [
Gradle project builds successfully but IntelliJ cannot resolve references
Every usage of the following Kotlin library compiles and can be used, but IntelliJ’s autocomplete (and perhaps others) cannot resolve the references. https://gitlab.com/7Hazard/altv-kotlin I am using it as a dependency via JitPack: https://jitpack.io/#com.gitlab.7Hazard/altv-kotlin JDK 11, Gradle 6.3 (wrapper) The gradle project builds fine but just autocompletion is broken. Other dependencies like kotlinx.coroutines work fine. It altv-kotlin is a fatjar and
Maven java project in Intellij IDEA 2019.3, JDK 11.0.3: Cannot resolve symbol ‘java’ but still compile
What I have: Intellij IDEA 2019.3, bundled JDK 11.0.3 A Maven project with project JDK: the bundled JDK My problem: For any java. imports I get the error Cannot resolve symbol … but I can still compile correctly. I’m totally aware that a lot of people already discussed this problem, and of course I have tried all of it: Use
Intellij Code Inspection for Custom Annotation
One of the problems I’ve encountered while using DTOs is that I often find myself shipping (accidentally) entities along with DTOs. To mitigate this problem, I created another Maven project with an annotation (@ValidDTO) and its processor that finds if a DTO annotated with @ValidDTO has @Entity annotated fields. This is my annotation. And, this is my processor. This is
What is difference between build project in IntelliJ and gradle build?
What is difference build project in IntelliJ and gradle build? Has IntelliJ IDEA its own build system? In addition, What is difference run in IntelliJ and gradle bootRun? Answer Build project is IntelliJ’s own build-in build mechanism, it simply compiles all modified and dependent files in the project. However, it’s a “plain vanilla” build. It doesnt do fancy things like