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Tag: illegalargumentexception

Java Rest Template throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Comparison method violates its general contract

I am not using any Comparators/Sorting in my Java code, still it is throwing ” java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Comparison method violates its general contract!” Exception. Below is the piece of code that throws exception on the line on debugging. Started getting this exception when I changed the version of spring-boot-starter-parent from 2.3.9 to 2.5.3 How should I resolve this? Stack Trace:

parsing csv file dealing with empty value java

I am new to java and practicing parsing csv file. I’ve figured out how to parse and use a constructor to create an instance. However, there are empty strings in my csv file, and the console just throw IllegalArgumentException: No enum constant to me. I’ve referred to: enum valueOf IllegalArgumentException: No enum const class Parse CSV file in java, and

Problem with Inner Class. Illegal Start of Expression error

I am practicing using inner classes but am having difficulty with a homework question: It is as follows: Create a Swing component class BetterButtons that extends JPanel and has three Jbutton instances labelled “One”, “Two”, and “Three”. In the constructor of BetterButtons, write a local class ButtonListener that implements ActionListener. This local class has a field String name and a
