I’d like to create a table called dni with that information in mysql server. Querys that failed: 1.”create table dni (id bigint not null, apellidos varchar(255), codigo_dni varchar(255), direccion varchar(255), fecha_nacimiento varchar(255), foto_perfil varchar(255), nombre varchar(255), primary key (id)) engine=MyISAM” 2.”create table hibernate_sequence (next_val bigint) engine=MyISAM” What I tried: –> put @Table(name = dni) –> put this on pom.xml org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5Dialect
Tag: hibernate
Can’t create method to get data from database hibernate mySQL + Spring mvc
my page I really hope for your help! The situation is this: I’m trying to get the value of my disciplines from the database, these disciplines are related to the semester. In the display page, the user must select the semester he needs, after which he clicks on the selection button and all disciplines associated with this semester should be
Translate SQL into Hibernate HQL
I’m using Spring boot along with Hibernate. I’ve only recently started using Java so I’m not quite good at it. I have a OneToMany unidirectional relationship with a join table. RssUrl Table User Table Join table I’m trying to translate this SQL into HQL It’s basically checking if a url is already associated with a user. I’m sure it’s not
Relationship mapping in Hibernate Java – save owning side entity
I have 2 tables User Url I’m trying to create a relationship between said 2 tables. A user can have many urls, but a url can belong to only one user. This sounds to me like a OneToMany relationship. My User Entity is as follows(some code was removed as to not make it too long): My Url Entity is as
Exception in thread “main” org.hibernate.AnnotationException: – Use of @OneToMany or @ManyToMany targeting an unmapped class:
Java 11 Try to use Hibernate Here migration sql: Here entities: And one more And try run like this: But I get error: Answer The problem is in this block: You either use @Column or a@One/ManyToOne/Many relation. You cannot use both. The first one is for mapping primitive data types. The other one is for entities relations. Remove @Column and
JPA SpringBoot – Unable to Save New Entity to Database
I am attempting to add (save) a “User” to my SQL database through my Spring application (The @GetMapping requests currently work). I recently added the two annotations @CreationTimeStamp and @UpdateTimeStamp in my entity class…the version without those two annotations would produce the same errors as shown. I am testing the API with Postman-here is my Users entity class: my UsersDTO
Spring boot hibernate complex table relationship works partially
I have following models they have one-to-one and one-to-many and many-to-one relationship. Most of the model are fine except one. My json data: Java models: After inserting data in H2 DB, I can see flowing tables and data. Car: Vehicle: Location: As you can see all data is fine except Location. It has missing warehouse_id. What did I miss? Also
Spring Boot CrudRepository not saving entities to my database
I’ve been at this for a few hours now and can’t seem to find the issue. For a bit of context, here is my database schema : Here is my Student class : And here is my Task class : My H2 Database structure therefore looks like this : I am trying to add a task to a student through
Should I avoid big transaction and exclude read-only queries from transaction
I’ve seen articles saying that we should try to limit the scope of transaction, e.g. instead of doing this: We should exclude queryData from the transaction by using Spring’s TransactionTemplate (or just move it out of the transactional method): But my understanding is that since JDBC will always need a transaction for all operations, if I use the second way,
NamedQuery returning entities with null fields
defined entity with namedquery as SELECT mdl FROM tbl_slots mdl where mdl.test_date between :dt and :dt order by mdl.test_time asc if used * instead of mdl in query, JPA gives error unexpected token: * if mentioned the column names in select statement it returns entities with respective fields populated with expected values [{ “srNo”: 1, “testDate”: “2021-Dec-30”, “testTime”: “09:00-10:00”, },{