I am trying to solve the following problem. “Define a recursive method named inOrderTraverse under the Heap class to perform inorder traversal over the nodes in the heap.” In the above problem, Do I convert the heap array to BST to run In order Traversal or Can I perform In order traversal over a heap array using recursion? if so
Tag: heap
Is there any efficient algorithm for traversing a Heap-Based Priority Queue?
I have implemented a Heap-Based Priority Queue in Java but my challenge now is implementing an efficient Iterator that has a definite (increasing or decreasing) order of traversal. Is there any algorithm that does this at constant auxiliary space and time complexity of O(n)? The O(nlogn) is quite trivial. Also, there is absolutely no subtlety in O(n) space algorithm. Please
Java PriorityQueue: how to heapify a Collection with a custom Comparator?
For example, given a List of Integer List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(5,4,5,2,2), how can I get a maxHeap from this List in O(n) time complexity? The naive method: However, the time complexity is O(nlogn). We can trigger the heapify method by using the following constructor: The time complexity is O(n). However, it forces me to use the natural order which is
Heapsort Within a Given Range
I am trying to write a Heapsort method that only performs the sort within a given range passed into the method. The ranges low and high are passed in and these values correspond to values inside the heap, not indices of the heap. For example, the input array might be: 28 10 49 20 59 61 17 and if low
What’s wrong with my In Place Heap Sorting code
I’m working on a school assignment and the assignment was to make a heap sorting (In Place) program. Now the program works perfectly fine for arrays with under +- 20 elements, above that it occasionally messes up, however I can’t seem to find what’s wrong. The skeleton for the methods was already there so if you’re asking why certain parameters