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Tag: groovy

SpringBoot 2.2.1 groovyMarkupConfigurer exception

I have a SpringBoot application that was developed with JDK8 and was now ported to JDK11. I get the following exception at startup: Here is my pom.xml: I have tried SpringWebStarter from 2.1.8 up to 2.2.1, I am always getting the same error. I cannot use JDK8 again, since the computer has been updated from Windows 7 to Windows 10

NoSuchMethodError when using @Step annotation in Allure2

I’m trying to implement Allure2 as a reporting tool for our automation suite but I seem to be running into an issue with the @Step annotation. I have the imports in place, the IDE recognizes it perfectly, I can see the package under dependencies and the specific class is available to browse and everything seems to be correct but when

Gradle is failing on malformed pom.xml in Central Maven

I have this gradle script snippet: Now when running a build, Gradle consistently fails on downloading transitive dependencies and gives me this message: When I had a look at the content of the pom.xml file from the repository, I noticed that, although the pom.xml is in the right place, it indicates a version different than what is expected. In this

How to receive a GZIP response with RESTClient

I am using a service that only works with GZIP compression. I added the accept header and the service works, but RESTClient can not parse the content correctly. My code: The error message is Answer Just add the following after RESTClient instantiation client.setContentEncoding(ContentEncoding.Type.GZIP, ContentEncoding.Type.DEFLATE)

Groovy HTTP ResponseParseException not found

I am trying to make simple GET request using groovy HTTP request. I am expecting JSON response in this form: So far I have done this in my code: and I am always getting this response: I have googled and found out that it’s problem related to groovy and this problem was not occurring before version 2.3.0, like this post

Should I use Bean Scripting Framework or JSR 223 javax.script ?

I was reading the groovy doc about integrating groovy into applications. From the paragraph 2. Bean Scripting Framework I can read The Bean Scripting Framework is an attempt to create an API to allow calling scripting languages from Java. It hasn’t been updated for long and abandoned in favor of the standard JSR-223 API. From the paragraph 3. JSR 223
