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Tag: graphql

How to increase Parse Limit from 15000 in Graphql Using Quarkus

I am using an Angular application with Graphql to communicate with a Java/Quarkus backend. There is a situation where a large object is generated and I am attempting to manipulate it in the backend. An error occurs: Invalid Syntax : More than 15000 parse tokens have been presented. To prevent Denial Of Service attacks, parsing has been cancelled. Smallrye-graphql and

How to define Nested enum type in GraphQL schema

I have an enum defined in graphql schema as below: But the WILDCARD query, can be further specified as STARTSWITH, ENDSWITH and CONTAINS, So can we achieve something like below while defining Schema or Answer There are no such nested enums in GraphQL schema. You can consider to model it using two separate fields with separate enums . And suppose

GraphQL Input type declaration for Mutation

I’m new to GraphQL and after some coding I bumped into a problem with declaring an Input type for a Mutation. Here’s my Schema: When I run my app, I get the error Caused by: Expected type ‘IdInput’ to be a GraphQLInputType, but it wasn’t! Was a type only permitted for object types incorrectly used as an input type,

How to query an API with graphql requests [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 12 months ago. Improve this question Currently I am using Postman with POST and GRAPHQL type queries. I wish I could query the API with spring-boot. First, I want to make

Get Original Field Name on GraphQL

I’m using with spring-boot java application. I can reach to alias name easily but how can I reach to original fieldName? When I run this code, Output looks like with alias fields: “aliasNameX”, …, but I need original name like “originalName”. Is there a way to do it? Solved, according to: Answer Posting my original answer here as

TypeMappingException: Multiple methods detected for operation “opName” with different return types

Working with graphql-spqr and Spring Boot, I’m trying to run the project but I run into this: and I got redirected to this for help : I was not having multiple methods with the same name which triggers me, the URL in the exception is not helpful and can’t even be edited or commented. Answer Removing the protobuf Timestamp
