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Tag: google-calendar-api

Google Calendar API v3 always returns BadRequest when creating events

I created a shared calendar and want to add events to the calendar. I created a project and set up a Service Account Then I shared the calendar to the Service Account as owner. Then I noticed Service Account must manually add shared calendar as described here and So I wrote a code: It works perfectly. When

Send invites with google calendar API

I have a Java Spring API where I want to integrate Google Calendar. The task: Basically creating an event for two attendees (users) and send them an invite with the option to accept/decline (standard GCalendar invite) I tried this example here: But I think this is not the right one since I authenticate as a user – or do

Android Format date with time zone

I need to format the date into a specific string. I used SimpleDateFormat class to format the date using the pattern “yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ssZ” it returns current date as “2013-01-04T15:51:45+0530” but I need as “2013-01-04T15:51:45+05:30”. Below is the coding used, Output: formatted string: 2013-01-04T15:51:45+0530 I need the format as 2013-01-04T15:51:45+05:30 just adding the colon in between gmt time. Because I’m working on
