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Tag: firebase

When uploading a image for one user to firebase storage, the link of the image updates for every user in database

I’m creating this app in Android Studio using Firebase Realtime Database and Firebase Storage. When a user registers through my app the data will store in the Firebase Realtime Database. Then on the profile page, there is a place to upload a picture. When a user uploads a picture it will store in the firebase storage and the link will

How to push/get data from Firebase and add to a bidimensional array using Java?

I already have TOPSIS algorithm that can calculate data from an array[][]. Now I’m going to use the data from: dummy data: to database’s data My Item_pc.class Condition: I can get data from firebase using arraylist I can calculate data using dummy array with TOPSIS algorithm problem : how to calculate data from firebase with TOPSIS algorithm? I have trouble

React native issue firebase messaging

I am trying to install the react native firebase messaging module to my project so I can remotely send notifications. When I built my app yarn android/react-native build-android I got an error in which I have been trying to fix for the last 3 hours. build.gradle: settings.gradle: Error/Output: Any help is greatly appreciated. Answer Add after => import com.facebook.react.ReactApplication;

unable to add Firebse to my android studio

I am trying to add firebase to my app and followed every step as told in but as soon as a launch the app it crashes with the error I have also cross checked my gradle moudle and every thing seems to be fine, here is my gradle module Even in graple project everything seems to be ok to

get int data from firestore

im trying to get int data from firestore but before that app crashes i dont know why when i try it as string it work i get it and i can list it but when i try it int app crashes even before get data here is my code second part is my adapter logchat said 2 line is wrong

after update firebase I got on real device error in android error message > zzdk: keyset not found, will generate a new one

it works fine on emulater but in real device I got this error in the log caty zzdk: keyset not found, will generate a new one can’t read keyset; the pref value GenericIdpKeyset does not exist and I have latest service-json file and I put the SHA-1 & SHA-256 Answer So it appears as @ikhlas ahmed confirmed the solution

How to get the key of a pushed value

In Firebase Realtime Database on Android, I want to retrieve this id “-Mb1sSv-FCNr9ElxZIwN”. Answer It looks to me that KAsr … dhz1 is the user ID that comes from the authentication process. If so, that UID should also be added to your reference. So to be able to get this id “-Mb1sSv-FCNr9ElxZIwN”, please change the following reference: To: Meaning that:

Trying to run Firestore emulator on Gitlab CI pipeline gives “java is not installed” error

When trying to run Firestore emulator in a Gitlab CI/CD pipeline I get the following error: Firestore Emulator has exited because java is not installed, you can install it from The question is, how do I install java in this env? I found a similar post, but there’s no mention of the need of installing java, so I’m wondering
