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Tag: firebase

Firebase database Data Retrieve getter error

I was trying to get some data from my Firebase realtime-database as followed generally, but I couldn’t figure out where in the code the problem was. The code is attached: I also use getter: database image here xml all allmedicine find_medicine xml Answer Change your query to – And according to firebase doc – The class has an empty constructor,

Firestore – Why check if DocumentSnapshot is not null AND call exists?

Take a look at this code example from the Firestore documentation: Why check if document != null? If I read the source code correctly (beginner), the exists method checks for nullity internally. Answer A successfully completed task will never pass null for the DocumentSnapshot. If the requested document does not exist, you’ll get an empty snapshot. This means that:

How to move from deprecated Task to ApiFuture for firebase admin SDK 5.4 and above

I’m just trying to solve the deprecation notes from my Java code of new firebase-admin SDK, the code is written in version 5.3.1 but after upgrading the version into 5.5.0 the deprecation notes appeared, here is a sample of my code: Using FirebaseAuth (deprecatation on: Task, addOnSuccessListener and addOnFailureListener) : And for FirebaseDatabase (deprecatation on: Task, addOnSuccessListener, addOnFailureListener, updateChildren and
