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Tag: firebase-realtime-database

Trying to retrieve data from Firebase and get this error: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length

The database I build an application and I’m trying to retrieve user info from Firebase. After the registration form, I have a new activity where the users need to write their personal info and that information is stored in firebase. Then, in my navigation drawer, I have an activity, called “AccountActivity”, where the user cand see their personal info saved

How can i delete firebase child node with the same name?Get the key to be delited from one node and delete those node with same key from the other

I want to delete all the child nodes form different nodes with the same names. I used the following code to get the keys of the child nodes to be deleted and pass it to the other node but it is deleting them from both nodes(completedSurveys and surveyList). Attached below is the firebase realtime database structure. Answer It could be
