The database I build an application and I’m trying to retrieve user info from Firebase. After the registration form, I have a new activity where the users need to write their personal info and that information is stored in firebase. Then, in my navigation drawer, I have an activity, called “AccountActivity”, where the user cand see their personal info saved
Tag: firebase-realtime-database
Adapter doesn’t show product image and price from Firebase Realtime Database
I am trying to retrieve data (a product image and the price for it) from Firebase Realtime Database and put it in a recyclerView, but I have some difficulties. In my database I stored the image url for one product and I want to show that image in an ImageView component placed in the cardView. I also managed to retrieve
Failed to convert a value of type java.lang.String to int?
I am trying to display the total expenses in a Text view but the application keeps giving me this error. The application uses Firebase and I had the getAmount() and setAmount() initiated as String since I only needed to display. It works as Strings but the amount doesn’t get added to himself it just goes in front of the first
Firebase Datasnapshot returns null value
I want to retrieve this value from this node (“id”), and the value i get is null. I have googled so many solutions that this might have to do with asynchronous way or something, i guess? This is the database, and the highlighted node is the value i would like to get: This is my code: Most appreciated if someone
how can one display the sum of a group of numbers from firebase in a texview
Im working with android firebase and have managed to get the sum of a group of values from firebase and display it in logcat. Only i want to display this sum in a TextView, how would I do that? Here is my code Answer You’ll need to set the value to the text view in onDataChange, pretty much in the
How can i delete firebase child node with the same name?Get the key to be delited from one node and delete those node with same key from the other
I want to delete all the child nodes form different nodes with the same names. I used the following code to get the keys of the child nodes to be deleted and pass it to the other node but it is deleting them from both nodes(completedSurveys and surveyList). Attached below is the firebase realtime database structure. Answer It could be
Retrieve location from Firebase and put marker on google map
I created the database in Firebase and tried to show the marker in the map. Still not working. what should I do. The app runs but when map activity is opened the app closes. I creates the database manually. I referred this link :- Retrieve location from Firebase and put marker on google map api for android. This is the
Getting the current User information from Firebase Realtime Database
I developed a login app in Java where the user can login using their emailaddress and password. This works fine so far, but I have the problem that my is null when I get to my home activity. This also makes sense to me since Firebase Auth only checks the email and password and does not select the relevant
What is the correct way to structure this kind of data in Firestore?
I have seen videos and read the documentation of Cloud firestore, from Google Firebase service, but I can’t figure this out coming from realtime database. I have this web app in mind in which I want to store my providers from different category of products. I want perform a search query through all my products to find what providers I
How can i make the app work offline with Firebase database
My app gets the data while its connected to internet but I want the app to get the data offline from cache. Please help I’m new to Firebase.