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Tag: dynamic

Dynamic HTML in Thymeleaf

I am creating a Spring MVC + Thymeleaf project. I would like the user to have control over some parts of the page, meaning that user could change text and format is as well with colors, font sizes, etc., using HTML tags. However, I have not found any way how to insert dynamic HTML into thymleaf HTML template. Is there

Is it possible to create variables at runtime in Java?

For example, say I wanted to “extract” String[] fruits = {“Pear”, “Banana”, “Apple”}; into three separate variables, eg: How could I do that, ignoring the “Why the heck would you want to do that?” question that you might be urged to ask me. Similar questions have been asked many times before, but the real answer was never given, because what

Dynamically loading a class in Java

I looked up the syntax and searched the api but am still confused about the process. I also searched Stackoverflow. What is the proper way to load a class and create an object out of it dynamically? In otherwords I want the user to specify what type of object they want to create, and then create that type of object.

Is there a general “back-end” library for Java reflection

I’m currently working with a specialized, interpreted, programming language implemented in Java. As a very small part of the language, I’d like to add the ability to make calls into Java. Before I dive into all of the nitty-gritty of reflection, I was wondering if anyone knew of a general library for doing the “back-end” part of invoking Java code
