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Tag: db2

Mapping between DB2 XML CLOB data type and DB2 JDBC types are keep changing as upgrading to different JDBC versions

We were using v10.1 and recently we have upgraded it with the V11.1.4 FP5 driver for the z/OS Db2 systems. When we were using v10.1 the equivalent JDBC java class for DB2 XML CLOB was and now after upgrading it with V11.1.4 FP5 driver now, it changed to However in latest version v11.5 M7 FP0 it’s

How to call a DB2 stored procedure passing a List as param?

Java version: Java1.8 JDBC: db2jcc4- Ant1.7 Websphere8.5 I am upgrading a service to allow for passing an array of currency codes (AA, BB, CC, DD) into a stored procedure. The NSP work has been completed and verified. Here is my code below. Mapper StringHandler During runtime, I am getting this error when submitting the change to my database: FATAL com.pseuplex.j2ee.ExceptionFilter

Spring Data JDBC – Many-to-One Relationship

I can’t seem to find any reference online with regards to using a Many-To-One mapping in Spring JDBC. I just saw in the documentation that is not supported but I’m not sure if this is the case. My example is that I want to map my AppUser to a particular Department. For reference, AppUser joins to Department table using DEPARTMENT_ID

Connect DB2 with Java

How can I connect DB2 with Java in Eclipse? What are some step-by-step instructions? How can I add the classpath in Eclipse? Code snippet: On running the code, I got the following exceptions: Answer You need to correct the package name. To add .jar in your project, use menu Project → Properties → Java Build Path → tab Select “Libraries”
