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Tag: date

transform java.sql.Date to LocalDateTime

I have a java.sql.Date object and want to transform it to a java.time.LocalDateTime object. For comparison, I am able to do a similar transformation using java.util.Date: This answer doesn’t work for me, as my java.sql.Date does not have a getTimestamp method. For reference, this question addresses the opposite transformation. Answer You are using terrible date-time classes that were years ago

Java Instant.parse cannot validate date

I have an instant field and trying to validate the values in this field using the following approach: Instant.parse(“2021-09-29 09:35:07.531”) However, it throws the error: java.time.format.DateTimeParseException: Text ‘2021-09-29 09:35:07.531’ could not be parsed at index 10. So, how can I test if the given Instant date in String format is a valid Instant date? I am implementing an Import feature

Parse datetime with offset string to LocalDateTime

I am trying to parse following datetime String to LocalDateTimeObject, however I am not able to identify the format of the datetime string. Sat, 09 Oct 2021 02:10:23 -0400 How should I determine the pattern of the above string? Answer You should first check if the date string matches any of the Predefined Formatters. If not, then you have to

Java Object Mapper date conversion to Json

I am using ObjectMapper to convert a list of objects to JSON, however the date field converts into key-value see below current output current output: Output expected is My code: User Class Answer by registering the JavaTimeModule the issue is resolved

Get Timestamp in specific format

I have a timestamp saved in Azure SQL Database in the format of 2004-09-23 10:52:00. When I fetch the value, I am using sqlrowset where I am using getString(“last_updated_user”) and getting output like this “2004-09-23 10:52:00.0”. When I tried using getTimeStamp(“last_updated_user”), I am getting in microseconds. Can someone help me on formatting it to “2004-09-23 10:52:00” based on some in-built

datetime conversion to Java in SQLServer 2016

I have a scenario where I have a table that has a date field with the datetime property. In the documentation ( : Note that java.sql.Timestamp values can no longer be used to compare values from a datetime column starting from SQL Server 2016. This limitation is due to a server-side change that converts datetime to datetime2 differently, resulting in

Unable to find Dateformat

I know this is a very silly question but I’m unable to find a suitable dateformatter for the given Date: 2020/04/01T20:00-05:00 or 2020/03/05T21:45-07:00. Any sort of help would be highly appreciated. Answer You can’t find one because that is a non-standard format. – is industry standard, using timezone offsets is outdated. Thus, you’d have to make it yourself. But this
