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Tag: connection-pooling

connection pooling with smtp servers

like i have 5 smtp server’s and i want to do bulk mailing and want to post on each server then how i can achieve it ? I am using like this now : Now i want to post on multiple VIP’s like Can you suggest how i can achieve this ? Answer You can use SmtpConnectionPool. Create session with

DBCP – validationQuery for different Databases

I use DBCP pool and I want use testOnBorrow and testOnReturn to test if connection is still valid. Unfortunately I have to set property validationQuery to make it work. Question: What value should be in validationQuery? I know, that: validationQuery must be an SQL SELECT statement, that returns at least one row. Problem is that we use various databases (DB2,

Connection pooling in java using HttpClient [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post. Closed last year. Improve this question How can I create a pool of connections using HttpClient? I have to make frequent connections to the same server. Is
