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Tag: collections

Way to overcome fail-fast iterator in HashMap

In competitive programming, I was solving a given problem – given an array nums of non-negative integers, and a target sum S, we have to find out the number of ways we can obtain target sum from sum of given numbers (where each nums[i] can be taken as nums[i] or -nums[i]. Although I came across some solutions that mainly relied

How To Store Values in Hashmap (comma Separated) with Same Key using Java Stream API?

I have a object named EntityObjectDTO like below: This AttributeType is an enum and can have values (RAW,REFERRED,ORIGINAL). I am trying to store all the attributes names and dataType into Hashmap of String key and value. This DataType can be duplicate as well. Input: Expected in a HashMap: {“Vehicle”,”name1,name2″} {“Person”,”name3″} This is what I tried: But by this I am
