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Tag: button

Open New Activity from Android Button Click

In my app I’m developing in android studio, I’m making a button to redirect from one activity to another but it does not give me anything even though I do not have any errors in the code. Answer Check your id’s on your xml layout, also check there is no onClick XML property being used that can be conflicting with

Opening a new window on a button click in java

I’m just starting with using interfaces in java, I’m okay with having just one window and that doing what i need. But i now want to link two windows together e.g. Frame 1 opens. user chooses button1 (enter data). Frame 2 opens so user can enter the data. Code for Frame 1: Code for Frame 2: Basically I would like

how to add button click event in android studio

So I have done some research, and after defining you button as an object by the code here is my problem then your OnClick() event… Problem: When I type in the “this”, it says: I have no idea why? here is the code from the .java file Answer SetOnClickListener (Android.View.view.OnClickListener) in View cannot be applied to (com.helloandroidstudio.MainActivity) This means in
