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Tag: apache-camel

Camel TypeConverter still throws NoTypeConversionAvailableException even if allowNull set to true in @Converter annotation

I’m using Apache Camel 3.4.3 and trying to convert empty value for my camel route with custom TypeConverter like this: but this way fires exception: org.apache.camel.InvalidPayloadException: No body available of type: ru.swiftcorp.common.utils.DataContainer but has value: of type: java.lang.String on: Message. Caused by: No type converter available to convert from type: java.lang.String to the required type: ru.vtb.swiftcorp.common.utils.DataContainer with value . Exchange[].

Request validation doesn’t happen in camel rest

I am trying to experiment by building some simple API’s with apache camel. The request body for a post request is empty but camel doesn’t return bad request instead it returns 201. Here is what I do; Generate classes from studentreg-api.yaml [This is a valid openapi 3 yaml document] Using camel, spring boot to build REST endpoints Step Configured camel

Quotation marks in Camel Content-Type header

I am trying to invoke a SOAP service using camel-http4. This service requires me to send the following header: Content-Type: application/soap+xml;charset=UTF-8;action=”ListBerichten”. I have to include the quotation marks, or otherwise the service will return a 400 code When I try this with a client like Postman or SoapUI or curl it works fine, but when I try it with Camel,

Apache Camel: Process file line by line

I have a large file that I want to read and process. I don’t want to load it entirely into memory and instead of this I read each line of the file separately and perform actions on it. I’ve come to this implementation during the work: Before starting to read the file I skip header and footer .filter(/*condition for skip
