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Tag: android

Kivy on Android, JVM exception occurred: Attempt to invoke virtual method … on a null object reference

We’re trying to access the Android camera in the Kivy app we’re building. We first opted to use plyer but we were getting a ClipData.Item.getUri() error. We ended up trying to follow the details described here: Now there seems to be a problem in getting the URI for a file. We have added this in AndroidManifest.tmpl.xml: and this in

Get a random line from a text file in assets folder

I am currently trying to re-create a project from Python into Android Application. But I am currently stuck with something I don’t literally know. My Project is called “Passworder” (for generating German Passwords). And to make the password to generate NOT random letters, I want to generate words from “WordList.txt” from assets folder. The Problem is, that I don’t even

Hide PlaneRenderer when taking photos in Sceneform

I added a feature based on the Codelabs tutorial from Google ( which allows users to take photos of AR objects that were added into the scene. The code works fine, however, I wish to hide the PlaneRenderer (the white dots that appear when ARCore detects a surface) in the photo taken by users. In the onClickListener for the “Capture

How to fix Scrolling issue of horizontal ViewPager2 and RecyclerView that are inside a vertical RecyclerView?

I have a RecyclerView (say, rootRecyclerView) that can have different kinds of rows depending on some API response. I implemented one of them is a horizontal ViewPager2 and another one is implemented with horizontal RecyclerView (say, childRecyclerView). The rootRecyclerView swipes vertically whereas the viewPager2 and childRecyclerView swipes horizontally. The Problem: When I swipe on the screen, if the swipe is

IllegalArgumentException When trying to use @style/Widget.MaterialComponents.TextInputLayout.OutlinedBox

I am trying to stylize the TextInputLayout with an outline. But when I try to use @style/Widget.MaterialComponents.TextInputLayout.OutlinedBox in style attribute my app crashes with this exception: Here is the TextInputLayout theme I want to use OutlinedBox It was working fine but suddenly this error appeared during development Global App Theme Answer As reported in the error: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The
