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Tag: android-volley

How to send JSONArray to PHP server using Volley?

I’m fairly inexperienced with Android programming and am having issues sending a JSONArray to my PHP server. I am using the following code to generate the JSONArray from my cursor: I believe I am misunderstanding how to properly send data via JsonARrayRequest. Here is the following code that I am using to send the data. Instead of sending the data,

How to send this JSON POST request in Java using volley

POST request in Postman {“data”:[“dog”,45,256,256,2,5]} Answer i think that you First need to create your post request like this: (you will need to change the headers and parameters depending on what you are currently using in your Postman The previous one is a normal way of sending HTTP requests. Using Volley requests will be something like :

Android device can’t connect to mysql in localhost [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 1 year ago. Improve this question I’m developing an android app in android studio and I have a mysql

org.json.JSONException: Value {“storeid0”:[“1535″],”storeid1”:[“1862”]} at idddsss of type org.json.JSONObject cannot be converted to JSONArray

I am getting this response from my api {“idddsss”:{“storeid0”:[“1535″],”storeid1”:[“1862”]}} this is the code that I am using to get response from server and save all storeids in an array: But whenever i run the code i got following error, I don’t know why, I have parsed my code to JSONObject first and then to JSONArray and in loop I am

Repeat Volley Request Every x-seconds Java

Alright – Before you say this is a duplicate, I’ve looked over every stack overflow article I can find, and none of them work and/or answer the question properly/simply. All I need is to repeat a function with a volley request inside of it every x-seconds. Basically, I have a fairly simple Volley request inside a function, which works absolutely

How to parse this json with multiple objects

devs I am stuck in parsing this kind of JSON I don’t understand how to get the value of status and message any help will be very appreciable. I get the value of error but when I want to access the value of status and message it throws an error JSON Format : My code for parsing json : Answer SSL handshake aborted:

I’m getting the following error while trying to run on devices below android lollipop and it is working really well for version above lollipop. this is my method to register the user: My volley singleton looks like this: and my app config file looks like this: Can anyone help me solve this issue? Error: SSL handshake aborted: Answer
