(list , this)<= this Line Creates Problem. This is my Main Acitivty Code Main Adapter Code This one is Main Model Answer Here, In your code, you are missing a constructor as mentioned by @Sergey as well as you are passing the wrong context in onCreateViewHolder().You should pass parent.getContext();
Tag: android-studio
Getting id from one json and finding name of that code in json
I am parsing data from json, like this. and json object is something like this, I am getting the coin Id, and now from that coin ID, i want to scan another json file, for that specific id, and get name or symbol from there, the other json contains, My bindviewholder method, Now my question is, how I can on
MobileElement not exist in java-client 8.0.0
I can’t find a way to import MobileElement for code I copy after following this guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1tQ1pjEFWw&t=1915s&ab_channel=edureka%21 in Appium for testing Android. But the recorded code has MobileElement, so I do the same by downloading libraries from this site: http://appium.io/downloads.html. This is my library which was downloaded from appium.io But later, it showed me that it doesn’t have MobileElement library,
android Spinner requires 2 clicks to work
am trying to use a spinner within a fragment to categorize the output of my recycler view when I call the recycler view function from the onCreateView it works perfectly. however, when I call it from the spinner function, it requires 2 clicks to display. here is the spinner XML code: and here is the fragment: and here is the
Setting date to a shared prefernece in android studio
Very new to android studio and this is the first app I’ve built so all help would be appreciated. I have a calendar set up and im trying to save the selected date into a shared preference. My problem is that the methods I’ve created are not showing up as onclick options in my xml file. Here is the code
How to get first parameter from each 2D-array data in android studio using java
I have a String 2D-array named items in my app like this : and I want to have a String ArrayList that include first parameter of each item data, something like this : i used this code but unfortunately it didn’t work Answer You can also use streams to build this list: If you still want to use a for
Android 12 – Fatal Exception: android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException
I’m getting the below error on Android 12 devices. Any help is highly appreciated. Thanks in Advance. Answer This is an upstream bug on Android 12 + Samsung devices, Chromium team and Samsung are aware. Star this issue to follow along: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1271617 Until then, add platform-specific / vendor-specific disable of WebView usage or your app will crash out-of-process (in the
How to upload file through Android Webview app?
Possible duplicate of : This This This I know, but the reason I still ask this question is I DID NOT UNDERSTAND THOSE ANSWERS. And I also know, that it’s my problem and those contributors did well. Not blaming anyone. I’m a beginner at Android Studio and those answers were definitely not rookie friendly. cause I’ve been starring at them
How do I pass ArrayLists to another activity, modify it, and return it back to use?
I’m trying to create a login/register part of a project, and I’m having trouble with passing the sign-up information back to the login activity. I initialized username_info, password_info, and name_info in MainActivity, and I want to send it to SignUpActivity through Intent. After values are added in the other activity, it’s sent back like this (the arraylists have the same
JSoup not able to get links from html
I’m trying to get links from html of a site but unable to do so using Jsoup. This is the HTML: This is the android code that I wrote which doesn’t seem to work: Can someone please help me with this? Thanks Edit: Basically I’m trying to get those 6 links and add them to my list to use it