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Tag: android-11

Google Play store continuous rejection due to NOT compliant with the All Files Access Permissions policy [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. This question does not appear to be about programming within the scope defined in the help center. Closed 2 months ago. Improve this question Google’s review team keeps rejecting our App after Target SDK API level to 30 migration. The rejection reason is that your

Code for setting light status bar in android 11 and below android 11 deprecation warning not going

I am using this code for setting light status bar in android 11 and below android 11. Everything works fine, just a little problem, deprecation warning not going. Answer I just did one thing, since my if statement is fine, I just suppressed warning by using @SuppressWarnings(“deprecation”) I just used this annotation for that particular method which contains this code.

requestLegacyExternalStorage is not working in Android 11 – API 30

Google has introduced some changes recently related to storage APIs in API 29 like scoped storage and we opted out by adding ‘requestLegacyExternalStorage=true’ in Manifest. But now when I targetSdkVersion 30, this no longer seems to work. Some of the files in the download directories were not listing (File.listFiles) after this change. Answer But now when I targetSdkVersion 30, this
