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Tag: amazon-dynamodb

How to connect to DynamoDB on AWS using a Spring Boot application running on local system?

I’m working on Spring Boot microservice REST based application and backedn database is currently local Dynamodb database. I can make REST calls using Postman to my application running locally and can perform CRUD operation with the local dynamodb database. Now I want to make changes in the configuration so that whenever I make similar CRUD operations on my application running

Case insensitive query in DynamoDB

I want to scan/query the dynamo DB table. Dynamo DB is case sensitive. I want to use Hash/ Range keys sometimes as strings. Is there any way we can enable case insensitivity in dynamo DB level ? Or is there any other solutions exist? I am querying the Dynamo with the JAVA SDK Answer There are 2 possible ways I

DynamoDB JsonMarshaller cannot Deserialize List of Object

I have a Java class which is the data-model of a table in DynamoDB. I want to use the DynamoDBMapper to save and load items from Dynamo. One member of the class is a List<MyObject>. So I used the JsonMarshaller<List<MyObject>> to serialize and de-serialize this field. The list can be successfully serialized by the JsonMarshaller. However, when I try to
