I want to select value by text from a dynamic non select dropdown. I did some research and I found this code:
WebElement element = driver.findElement(ByMapper.getBy(dropdown)); element.click(); List<WebElement> options = element.findElements(By.xpath("/html/body/div[1]/div[2]/div/div/div")); for (WebElement option : options){ if (option.getText().contains(text)){ option.click(); break; } }
Basically it put the dropdowns options into a List element, and run through in a for loop, and if the options contains text, click it and break the loop. However it is not working with this type of dropdown:
Can you suggest what can I do?
Snapshot of Specific value:
Note: The page is only available via private vpn, so I cannot share it.
To select the value by text Teszt_5 from a dynamic non Select dropdown you can use the following locator strategies:
String text = "Teszt_5"; WebElement element = driver.findElement(ByMapper.getBy(dropdown)); element.click(); List<WebElement> options = element.findElements(By.xpath("//div[@class='mat-autocomplete-panel mat-autocomplete-visible ng-star-inserted' and starts-with(@aria-labelledby, 'mat-form-field-label')]//mat-option//span[@class='mat-option-text']")); for (WebElement option : options){ if (option.getText().contains(text)){ option.click(); break; } }
You can find a couple of relevant detailed discussions in: