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OpenClover – Getting to work with AspectJ

I’m trying to use Openclover with a project that uses AspectJ and that instruments aspects into its code. The pom.xml has these dependencies with relation to AspectJ: And these plugins: I’m using two plugins to do this: clover-maven-plugin which is a code coverage tool and clover-aspectj-compiler, a wrapper for AspectJ compiler which allows code instrumentation using OpenClover. The errors I

Select database columns for a JDBC statement query

I try to execute this: but i get this result from my tomcat server logs: Please take note that I have inspected by database tables and the comment_desc is a column. In fact I try another column’s output string and I get a result. Answer If you only need those two columns you could do something like this: Try and

How to log in by email instead of username in Spring security

I use Spring security. Is there a way to log in using email instead of a username in Spring security? Answer You need an “email” parameter in your login form Then let your custom WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter know that “email” is a principal parameter now Finally, override loadUserByUsername() in your UserDetailsService implementation

Cancel edit in javafx tableview

I am fairly new in JavaFX. I have a table having multiple columns and a refresh button in each row. I am trying to set the old value in the edited cells whenever I click Refresh button. One idea is Passing the old value through a global variable to refresh button and set it. I can get the old value

Sort JsonArray by variable key using GSON

I am trying to sort a JsonArray in Java using GSON, I would like to sort everything inside that array via a variable key, meaning there is a string somewhere containing something that is the key that the object needs to be sorted by. Key Variable: varkey1 So it should go like like: Answer Well, you could just implement a

Counting items from Map having Set as value

I have a list of items as below Now I am converting this list into here complexList gives output as Now I need to count number of values for each “capacity” giving output as I tried and it outputs I must be mistaking in understanding streams or not be using right methods. Can anyone suggest an approach or a solution?
