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How to run Karate tests using maven with dynamic tags

I want to execute Karate tests using maven and pass the tags dynamically to the execution. I’m using junit4 and i tried both of the approaches – parallel and simple with @RunWith annotation. @RunWith Using this approach I’m able to pass the tags to the execution dynamically, but if the karate test fails the maven build is still successful. Parallel

password validation not working correctly

I’m using this code for validating whether a user entered all characters. There were several solutions offered in this forum, but unable to find answer for my problem. Problem-1: when the password entered is of this type “aaBB11@@”, it validates and returns ok, where as “11aaBB@@” gives error. Tested with different patterns but unable to find the correct string. Problem-2:

How to Insert Data To Array

I want to save a “AromaNorm” into NormalisasiT1 array, but i had a error : AWT-EventQueue-0 java.lang.NullPointerException Can you help me? Here the Code Answer you should initialize the array the array is null so it throws NPE.

Junit test of a class requires objects of other classes

I have a class defined as such: Simply put, there is an algorithm that requires input from other class, the mapObject, which is also another self-written package by me. My question is, apart from in junit that allows me to initialize a fixture in Are there any better ways? Answer It’s probably better to create the input object (i.e. the

Disable reselecting in BottomNavigationView

How can I disable reloading fragment when clicking again on the current tab in BottomNavigationView? In other words how to disable re-selection in BottomNavigationView? PS: I’m using NavigationUI to setup BottomNavigationView Answer It was surprisingly simple!

Cloud Spanner ResultSet Get Length

I have the following piece of code: Problem: I want to use the see if resultSet has strictly a length of 1. Attempt at solution: resultSet.getStats().getRowCountExact() == 1 But: ResultSetStats getStats() returns the ResultSetStats for the query only if the query was executed in either the PLAN or the PROFILE mode via the ReadContext.analyzeQuery(Statement, method or for DML statements

How to add Quartz JobListener

I am writing a java/spring library to include in other projects that are using quartz. I need it to log something before each task is executed. I have a simple JobListener that looks like this: I know we can do something like this to add joblisteners: But how can I get the scheduler to add so I can add the
