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Spring Boot Application Shutting Down as soon as it’s started

I used Spring Initializr to initialize a new project. I further added MySQL Driver, Spring Data JPA, Spring Boot Actuator, and Spring Web as project dependencies. Exporting the .zip file, the only thing I did is, changed the file. When I run the application, it starts and stops immediately. Here’s the response: and my file: My pom.xml file

Regular expression to match optional patterns

I know that Regex is a pretty hot topic and that there’s a plethora of similar questions, however, I have not found one which matches my needs. I need to check the formatting of my string to be as follows: All line must start with 5 digits. Characters 6 to 12 must be white space. Character 13 must be either

Log4j2 customize file path with rollingFileAppender (Java)

I am migrating from log4j 1.x to log4j2 in my spring boot application. Being on log4j 1.x I used to define the properties as follows: in my CustomRollingFileAppender I would extend this class with the DailyRollingFileAppender, and would override the setName() method to change my ‘<base.path>’ to the relevant directory name. Migrating to log4j 2.x I no longer have the

Converting String number words to just String number:Java

I’m a beginner coder trying to work on converter for words which should work that way:Input= “zero;six;eight;two” Output = “0682”. But in my case the output I get is “0282”. Are there any solutions to that? Or like maybe I should program differently?. I found that LinkedLists or HashMap could work, if so could you show how? Answer You should

Connecting to OUTLOOK365 from Selenium Java

I have an application that sends a verification code to my Email after entering credentials. I need to read the verification code from my inbox. I am using Outlook and my organization uses the MAPI protocol for OUTLOOK365. Can anyone help me with this? Answer Using the Graph API one can access the Outlook. you need to register in Azure

Android Studio 4.1 Stuck at loading screen in Mac

My Android Studio has been stuck at loading screen since yesterday. X_X What I have tried: Restarting computer. Clearing junk files and logs. Completely uninstall and then Reinstalling AndroidStudio. Followed many different solutions (e.g: one of it is here). But still doesn’t work. Excerpt from the solution: Open file Android Studio setup directory/bin/ Add to end Restart Android Studio
