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How to get versions of a certain project via verison bundle

Since youtrack updated their api many requests have changed, so changed the version bundle request that i used usind previous api, it was quite easy to get versions of project with: new request should look something like this: but is seems like i cannot use /%versionName% anymoe so the only way i can get a bundle for certain project is

image are not showing in image view after selecting from gallery intent

I’m trying to select images from the gallery and upload them to firebase storage but after selecting the image it doesn’t show in the image view and the app get crash Note I’m using a fragment and not an activity Here is the Error Message Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method ‘void android.widget.ImageView.setImageURI(’ on a null object reference

JTable not visible inside JScrollPane

I have a JTable inside a JScrollPane. I want to show the table only when a particular button is pressed otherwise it should not be shown. Inorder to incorporate that I have set the setVisible method of the ScrollPane to false while declaring and I set it to true inside the actionPerformed method of the JButton. But the JTable is

How to make different animations for keyboard input

I’m making a top-down shooter game in java where I have a stationary player who can turn side to side and can shoot a gun at enemies that move to the center(where the player is). I have made different …

after update firebase I got on real device error in android error message > zzdk: keyset not found, will generate a new one

it works fine on emulater but in real device I got this error in the log caty zzdk: keyset not found, will generate a new one can’t read keyset; the pref value GenericIdpKeyset does not exist and I have latest service-json file and I put the SHA-1 & SHA-256 Answer So it appears as @ikhlas ahmed confirmed the solution

Dynamic Bean configuration & loading in spring boot

I am following this link for understanding hexagonal architecture with spring boot. The infrastructure section contains the configuration for the service bean and the repository is passed as a parameter as a below method. Configuration I am not using JPA instead using Spring JDBC for interacting to DB. Linked tutorial is using JPA. Lets say I have different database implementations
