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Have keyevent listener method constantly checking input

I wrote this method: It is the method of a class extending JTextArea (yes, I know extending is suboptimal but I won’t need anything else for the intended application, at least not to my knowledge). It is supposed to check every character being entered into the JTextArea and send the message (the settext part) if the key being pressed is

Cannot resolve class TextView, ImageView, LinearLayout,

When I want to create TextView, ImageView and … in my file xml, everything turns red and tag style appears instead of height and width the I have to copy and paste any features manually. The app will run although everything is red, like the attached photo. I also have cleared the cache through File ->Invalidate caches but the problem

Bind java.util.Stack with JavaFX (ListView or TableView)

I’m recently using JavaFX and would like to implement the Observer pattern by binding my stack update, with a ListView or TableView from JavaFX. However, I don’t know what changes to make to my ComplexNumberStack class. Answer This example adds a wrapper class around your stack implementation which provides an ObservableList that can be: Placed in a ListView AND Respond

Swing: can’t paint rectangle

I have this simple code: the JFrame adds custom Jpanel MyPanel which overrides paintComponent method to draw the rectangle. However nothing shows up on the window: Answer By default, an empty JPanel has a size of 0x0, so when you add it to your UI, the layout manager (in this case) honours it’s request and makes it 0x0 Start by

Sorting arraylist and returning an arraylist (not a list) – Kotlin

I’m trying to display sorted information using a RecyclerView. To do so, I’ve got an ArrayList of custom datatype. I want to sort the data in the ArrayList by descending order, using one of the fields in the ArrayList. I’m familiar with the methods that are already available (sortWith, sortBy, sortByDescending, etc) but unfortunately, they all change from ArrayList to

Trying to get Spring Boot app to send an error response message when request does not have “Content-type” HTTP request header

I am still really new with Spring Boot, but I have a web application, that is setup to handle either XML requests (when the requests have a “Content-type: application/xml” header, or JSON requests (when the requests have a “Content-type: application/xml” header), and I noticed that if the “Content-type” header is either missing, or contains something other than “Content-type: application/xml” or

Space Invader project

Hi I have been working on a space invader game in processing, I am relatively new to java/coding. What my problem is that I do not really understand how to make the collision actually work, and also my aliens (which are the space ships), they move left to right but do not move down. These are the 2 major problems
