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Specify Map in Java generics

I have the following interface: public interface IGenericCache { void put(K key, V value); V get(K key); } Then I want to create a concrete class that takes CacheKey object as …

Is truststore a pure Java terminology?

When I search “truststore” on YouTube, I got the following video as the first hit. It is about Java. A Google search also mostly returns Java webpages. Is this a pure Java concept? How can in be explained in the context of SSL/TLS without using Java? Answer Note that certificates are not used only for SSL/TLS, and Java used

Removing elements from an array in Java

public void removeElement( String candidate ) { // hitta elementet som ska tas bort och placera det sist i arrayen for( int i = 0; i < carRegister.length; i++ ) { String s = …

Working on Android Music Player Project, and ran into the issue where my app crashes on start up:

I am trying to add a player using Sliding Up Panel but the app crashes on startup. If you want to see my full code; activity_main.xml Here there is no issue on SongsFragment, ArtistFragment and AlbumFragment files, because I have run this application before adding the sliding up panel and that was successfully run but after adding

Build failed with UnrecognizedPropertyException: Unrecognized field error

In my JSON file I have defined customMetrics as I have defined this customMetricCategory for different metrics in the same JSON file as While running the repo in my local, build is failing with the following error: Do I need to define anything else for this customMetricCategory? How can I get rid of this error? class Also there is

Override Hysterix Logging

I am trying to understand the logs generated by SpringBoot before and after implementing Hysterix Circuit Breaker Before Hystrix the logs looked like, After implementing Hystrix the logs looks like, So, how did http-nio-8080-exec-2 get replaced with hystrix-OrchestratorController-1, and why it’s not showing my TransactionId when Hystrix got implemented. How did Hystrix take over the logging? What’s the difference between
