I am trying to sum one field in Mongo. If it is an Integer there is no issue, but the problem is that it is String and I get 0 for totalAmount
private Integer findRequestAmount(String agentId, String status, Date date, String amountField) { Aggregation aggregationAmount = Aggregation.newAggregation( Aggregation.match( Criteria.where("rawRequest.agentId").is(agentId) .and("status").is(status) .and("dateCreated").gte(date)), Aggregation.group("rawRequest.agentId") .sum(amountField).as("amount"), Aggregation.project().andExclude("_id")); HashMap results = mongoTemplate .aggregate(aggregationAmount, "underwritingRequest", HashMap.class) .getUniqueMappedResult(); return results == null ? 0 : (Integer)results.get("totalAmount"); }
amountField is a String, how can I sum it in this implementation
You are getting String amountField
. Simply you can convert this String to Integer by using int x=Integer.parseInt(s)
over the aggregation and use it inside the aggregation.