University student here currently working on a tournament application project, and I’ve got this current issue with GUI:
My matchmaking algorithm takes the player’s numbers and matches the lowest number with the highest, for example if we have 8 players then we will have; P1 vs P8, P2 vs P7 and so on. I am currently trying to display this in a TableView using two columns. This means that column one needs to show P1, and column two needs to show P8 on the same row. I am sadly unable to figure out how to make this work, because the current code stacks the players on top of eachother like this:
My current code for this is as follows:
@FXML private void initialize() { playerViewer.setPlaceholder(new Label("Players will be shown here")); SingleElimTournament tournament = new SingleElimTournament(); for(int i = 1; i < 9; i++) { tournament.addPlayer(new Player("Player " + i, i)); } int start = 0; //The id for first player according to a seed int end = tournament.getPlayerAmount() - 1; //The id for last player according to a seed while (start < end) { playerList.add(tournament.getPlayersList().get(start)); playerList.add(tournament.getPlayersList().get(end)); start++; //Moving on to the next match end--; //Moving on to the next match } columnOne.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<Player, String>("name")); columnTwo.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<Player, String>("name")); playerViewer.setItems(playerList); }
What would I need to change for the columns to display the opposing players side-to-side instead of on top of eachother? Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Each row in the table represents a match with two players, not a single Player
. So the data type for your TableView
needs to be a data type that represents two players.
E.g. define a record
record Match(Player first, Player second) {} ; @FXML private TableView<Match> playerViewer ; @FXML private TableColumn<Match, Player> columnOne ; @FXML private TableColumn<Match, Player> columnTwo ; private ObservableList<Match> matchList = FXCollections.observableArrayList(); @FXML private void initialize() { playerViewer.setPlaceholder(new Label("Players will be shown here")); SingleElimTournament tournament = new SingleElimTournament(); for(int i = 1; i < 9; i++) { tournament.addPlayer(new Player("Player " + i, i)); } int start = 0; //The id for first player according to a seed int end = tournament.getPlayerAmount() - 1; //The id for last player according to a seed while (start < end) { Player player1 = tournament.getPlayersList().get(start); Player player2 = tournament.getPlayersList().get(end); Match match = new Match(player1, player2); matchList.add(match); start++; //Moving on to the next match end--; //Moving on to the next match } columnOne.setCellValueFactory(cellData -> new SimpleObjectProperty<>(cellData.getValue().first())); columnTwo.setCellValueFactory(cellData -> new SimpleObjectProperty<>(cellData.getValue().second())); Callback<TableColumn<Match, Player>, TableCell<Match, Player>> cellFactory = col -> new TableCell<>() { @Override protected void updateItem(Player player, boolean empty) { super.updateItem(player, empty); if (empty || player == null) { setText(""); } else { setText(player.getName()); } } }; columnOne.setCellFactory(cellFactory); columnTwo.setCellFactory(cellFactory); playerViewer.setItems(matchList); }