I’m developing an application with an integration Smart-POS. My application is in React-Native and the card reading or printing options are created through Java functions.
In other words, I’m calling a function in React-Native that is requesting a function in a Java file that communicates with the device and gives me a return.
Problem: I’m not getting any return after executing the functions in Java.
Here are code details:
React-Native Code:
import Apos from '../../../Apos'; const verifyService = async () => { try { let info = { type: 1, value: 380, payment: 1, codvenda: "1", }; const services = await Apos.startPayment(info); console.log('retorno: ',services); } catch (error) { console.log('erro:', error); }};
After executing this function, I call the Apos.js file that contains this information:
import { NativeModules } from 'react-native'; module.exports = NativeModules.APOSHardwareCommunication;
This file then calls a .java file with the function I’m requesting:
@ReactMethod public String startPayment(ReadableMap data) { // Define os dados do pagamento PlugPagPaymentData paymentData = new PlugPagPaymentData( data.getInt("type"), data.getInt("value"), data.getInt("payment"), 1, data.getString("codvenda")); // Cria a identificação do aplicativo PlugPagAppIdentification appIdentification = new PlugPagAppIdentification("MeuApp", "1.0.7"); PlugPag plugPag = new PlugPag(reactContext, appIdentification); PlugPagInitializationResult initResult = plugPag.initializeAndActivatePinpad(new PlugPagActivationData("1170496755")); PlugPagTransactionResult result = plugPag.doPayment(paymentData); return String.valueOf(result); }
In this return, through adb logcat
I can see if putting one System.out.println(result);
is returning all the transaction data to the console, but it goes back to React Native with return undefined
This is an example of a return:
PlugPagTransactionResult(message=ERRO NO CARTAO - NAO TENTE NOVAMENTE, errorCode=R 30, transactionCode=null, transactionId=null, date=null, time=null, hostNsu=null, cardBrand=null, bin=null, holder=null, userReference=null, terminalSerialNumber=null, amount=null, availableBalance=null, cardApplication=null, cardCryptogram=null, label=null, holderName=null, extendedHolderName=null, result=-1004)
For details, I’m integrating PagSeguro’s Moderninha API.
Has anyone been through this situation?
You just need to change your function from String to void and send the response as a promise, like this:
@ReactMethod public void startPayment(final Promise promise, ReadableMap data) { // ... promise.resolve(String.valueOf(result)); return; }