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JAVA ERROR : package com.sun.rowset is not visible : com.sun.rowset is declared in module java.sql.rowset, which does not export it

I’m simply try to run this code:


When I run it I get:

Error:(1, 15) java: package com.sun.rowset is not visible (package com.sun.rowset is declared in module java.sql.rowset, which does not export it)

I’m using IntelliJ and I tried to import rs2xml.jar, and that still doesnt help.



As of Java 9, you can not access this class directly. And in the ideal way you shouldn’t do that. That is because this class’s package is not exported in the module javax.sql.rowset.

The proper way to do that in Java 9+ is the use of RowSetProvider to access a RowSetFactory to produce an instance of an implementation of CachedRowSet


To understand that we can go to the module description ( and find a list of exported packages:
