I implemented a ClientRequestFilter. But one call of a client should not be filtered, which means if the request comes from this class (in my case the class is called TokenClient) the method should just return. Right now as you can see I check the path and if it contains /token it will return. But I would rather check if the class is ofInstance TokenClient. How can I do that ?
@Provider public class MyClientRequestFilter implements ClientRequestFilter { @Inject MyClient myClient; @Override public void filter(ClientRequestContext clientRequestContext) throws IOException { if(clientRequestContext.getUri().getPath().contains("/token")) { return; } String token= myClient.getToken(); clientRequestContext.getHeaders().addFirst("Authorization", "Bearer "+token); } }
There is a way to know which method and it described here.
Essentially you do something like:
@Override public void filter(ClientRequestContext clientRequestContext) throws IOException { Method targetMethod = (Method)clientRequestContext.getProperty("org.eclipse.microprofile.rest.client.invokedMethod"); // check target method }