I am trying to get a list of months (actually the first days of those months) between two dates in Java but I am not getting the expected results.
The start date is “3/17/2020”, the end date “3/17/2021” and the expected result is as follows:
"01-Mar-2020" "01-Apr-2020" "01-May-2020" "01-Jun-2020" "01-Jul-2020" "01-Aug-2020" "01-Sep-2020" "01-Oct-2020" "01-Nov-2020" "01-Dec-2020" "01-Jan-2021" "01-Feb-2021" "01-Mar-2021"
Here below is the code I am using:
import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { String date1 = "3/17/2020"; String date2 = "3/17/2021"; DateFormat formater = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy"); Calendar beginCalendar = Calendar.getInstance(); Calendar finishCalendar = Calendar.getInstance(); try { beginCalendar.setTime(formater.parse(date1)); finishCalendar.setTime(formater.parse(date2)); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } DateFormat formaterYd = new SimpleDateFormat("01-MMM-YYYY"); while (beginCalendar.before(finishCalendar)) { // add one month to date per loop String date = formaterYd.format(beginCalendar.getTime()).toUpperCase(); System.out.println(date); beginCalendar.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); } } }
With the above code I am getting the following result:
"01-Jan-2020" "01-Feb-2020" "01-Mar-2020" "01-Apr-2020" "01-May-2020" "01-Jun-2020" "01-Jul-2020" "01-Aug-2020" "01-Sep-2020" "01-Oct-2020" "01-Nov-2020" "01-Dec-2020"
Please help me understand the issue and suggest any solution for the same with java 7.
Java7 soulution:
public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException { DateFormat df1 = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy", Locale.US); Date dateFrom = df1.parse("3/17/2020"); Date dateTo = df1.parse("3/17/2021"); final Locale locale = Locale.US; DateFormat df2 = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM-yyyy", Locale.US); List<String> months = getListMonths(dateFrom, dateTo, locale, df2); for (String month : months) System.out.println(month.toUpperCase(locale)); } public static List<String> getListMonths(Date dateFrom, Date dateTo, Locale locale, DateFormat df) { Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(locale); calendar.setTime(dateFrom); List<String> months = new ArrayList<>(); while (calendar.getTime().getTime() <= dateTo.getTime()) { months.add(df.format(calendar.getTime())); calendar.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); } return months; }
MAR-2020 APR-2020 MAY-2020 JUN-2020 JUL-2020 AUG-2020 SEP-2020 OCT-2020 NOV-2020 DEC-2020 JAN-2021 FEB-2021 MAR-2021