I’m writing a program in scala which call:
Runtime.getRuntime().exec( "svn ..." )
I want to check if “svn” is available from the commandline (ie. it is reachable in the PATH). How can I do this ?
PS: My program is designed to be run on windows
Here’s a Java 8 solution:
String exec = <executable name>; boolean existsInPath = Stream.of(System.getenv("PATH").split(Pattern.quote(File.pathSeparator))) .map(Paths::get) .anyMatch(path -> Files.exists(path.resolve(exec)));
Replace anyMatch(...)
with filter(...).findFirst()
to get a fully qualified path.
Here’s a cross-platform static method that compares common executable extensions:
import java.io.File; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.stream.Stream; import static java.io.File.pathSeparator; import static java.nio.file.Files.isExecutable; import static java.lang.System.getenv; import static java.util.regex.Pattern.quote; public static boolean canExecute( final String exe ) { final var paths = getenv( "PATH" ).split( quote( pathSeparator ) ); return Stream.of( paths ).map( Paths::get ).anyMatch( path -> { final var p = path.resolve( exe ); var found = false; for( final var extension : EXTENSIONS ) { if( isExecutable( Path.of( p.toString() + extension ) ) ) { found = true; break; } } return found; } ); }
This should address most of the critiques for the first solution. Aside, iterating over the PATHEXT
system environment variable would avoid hard-coding extensions, but comes with its own drawbacks.