I need specific data for a report, then I gettin all information from a parent object
It has many attributes, object attributes
Object11, Object12, Object13, attr1, attr2...
The attributes has many attributes too
Object111, Object131, Object132,..
by now I got 5 level data attributes.
When I send information to my report it says, Error: cause:null
It trows error because Object111 is null
I tried using
but it only verify if description is null, and throws the same error Then I tried to verify Object
if(object1.getIdObject11().getIdObject111() == null) {
var = object1.getIdObject11().getIdObject111().getDescription;
} else {
var = "";
But when Object11 is null, it throws same error.
I don’t think its a good way doing this for each attribute (have to get like 30 attributes)
if(object1.getIdObject11()!=null) {
if(object1.getIdObject11().getIdObject111()!=null) {
if(object1.getIdObject11().getIdObject111().getIdObject1111()!=null) {
I want to verify if is there a null object and set ” (blank) if it is, with no such a large code(because the gotten params are set inside a report, mixed with letter).
reportline1 = "Area: "+object1.getIdObject11().getIdObject111().getName;
You code breaks Demeter’s law. That’s why it’s better to refactor the design itself.
As a workaround, you can use Optional
var = Optional.ofNullable(object1)
.map(o -> o.getIdObject11())
.map(o -> o.getIdObject111())
.map(o -> o.getDescription())