I have a collection with “grup” name and have a subcollection named “anggota”.
Please help me, how to display data by query referring to collection document and subcollection document.
Firestore collection:
I’ve tried with this query but it doesn’t work, the data doesn’t appear
db.collection("grup").document().collection("anggota") .whereEqualTo("iduser", idUser) .orderBy("updatetime", Query.Direction.DESCENDING) .addSnapshotListener(new EventListener<QuerySnapshot>() { @Override public void onEvent(@Nullable QuerySnapshot value, @Nullable FirebaseFirestoreException error) { List<DocumentSnapshot> list = value.getDocuments(); datalist.clear(); for (DocumentSnapshot d : list) { final Modelfirestore c = d.toObject(Modelfirestore.class); datalist.add(c); } mAdapterss.notifyDataSetChanged(); } });
When you are using the following query:
👇 db.collection("grup").document().collection("anggota") .whereEqualTo("iduser", idUser) .orderBy("updatetime", Query.Direction.DESCENDING)
It means that you are creating a reference to a document with a random ID. Calling CollectionReferenc#document() method, without passing any arguments:
Returns a DocumentReference pointing to a new document with an auto-generated ID within this collection.
So to be able to query the documents within the anggota
subcollection you have to pass the document ID to the document()
method like this:
👇 db.collection("grup").document("8FDD...").collection("anggota") .whereEqualTo("iduser", idUser) .orderBy("updatetime", Query.Direction.DESCENDING)