How to get the parent module of project. Here is my code works fine in Eclipse PDE. But when I test the plugin(installing in eclipse) using test application by selecting the child module this condition (if (projectRoot == selectedResource)) is coming true and it return src and target as child modules which is incorrect. Any suggestion on how to get the parent module of project.
IResource selectedResource = Resource.getSelectedProject(); // this return selected module (F/parent/child1)
IWorkspaceRoot root = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot(); // R
// this is not returning parent module??
IProject projectRoot = root.getProject(selectedResource.getProject().getName());
List<IResource> childModules = new ArrayList<>();
if (projectRoot == selectedResource) { // this is coming true (parent != child)
IProject project = FileResource.getProject(selectedResource);
childModules = Resource.getChildModules(project);
} else {
private static IResource selectedResource;
public static void setSelectedResource(IResource resource) {
selectedResource = resource;
public static IResource getSelectedProject() {
return selectedResource;
An Eclipse workspace is organised like this:
- IProject
- mixture of IFolder and IFile
- IProject
- mixture of IFolder and IFile
- more IProjects
in turn can contain a mixture of more IFolder
and IFile
, IProject
, and IFolder
all extend IContainer
. IContainer
and IFile
extend IResource
The IResource.getProject
method always returns the top IProject
resource (except for IWorkspaceRoot
returns the immediate IContainer
parent (null for IWorkspaceRoot
So if you want the parent container of a resource call IResource.getParent
, if you want the top level containing project call IResource.getProject