I’ve implemented a classic Doubly Linked List:
class Node<T> { protected T data; protected Node<T> next, prev; } class DoublyLinkedList<T extends Comparable<T>> { protected Node<T> front; protected Node<T> back; protected int size; // methods }
Now in order to be able to sort it I then added the following methods implementing a classic QuickSort algorithm:
public void sort(Comparator<T> comparator) { quickSort(front, back, comparator); } private void quickSort(Node<T> begin, Node<T> end, Comparator<T> comparator) { if (end != null && begin != end && begin != end.next) { var temp = partition(begin, end, comparator); quickSort(begin, temp.prev, comparator); quickSort(temp.next, end, comparator); } } private Node<T> partition(Node<T> begin, Node<T> end, Comparator<T> comparator) { var pivot = end.data; var i = begin.prev; Node<T> next; for (var j = begin; j != end; j = next) { next = j.next; if (comparator.compare(j.data, pivot) < 0) { i = (i == null) ? begin : i.next; swapData(i, j); } } i = (i == null) ? begin : i.next; swapData(i, end); return i; } private void swapData(Node<T> a, Node<T> b) { var temp = a.data; a.data = b.data; b.data = temp; }
The code above produces correct results, however, I decided to swap the nodes instead of data, so I introduced these methods:
private void swapNodes(Node<T> a, Node<T> b) { if (a == b) return; if (a == null || b == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (a.next == b) { var before = a.prev; var after = b.next; link(before, b); link(b, a); link(a, after); } else if (b.next == a) { var before = b.prev; var after = a.next; link(before, a); link(a, b); link(b, after); } else { var aPrev = a.prev; var aNext = a.next; var bPrev = b.prev; var bNext = b.next; link(aPrev, b); link(b, aNext); link(bPrev, a); link(a, bNext); } } private void link(Node<T> a, Node<T> b) { if (a != null) a.next = b; else front = b; if (b != null) b.prev = a; else back = a; }
And added these changes to the partition
private Node<T> partition(Node<T> begin, Node<T> end, Comparator<T> comparator) { var pivot = end.data; var i = begin.prev; Node<T> next; for (var j = begin; j != end; j = next) { next = j.next; if (comparator.compare(j.data, pivot) < 0) { i = (i == null) ? begin : i.next; //swapData(i, j); swapNodes(i, j); i = j; } } i = (i == null) ? begin : i.next; //swapData(i, end); swapNodes(i, end); //return i; return end; }
At this point the code is not working correctly and I can’t figure out why. What am I missing?
The expected output is the sorted input which in the second case it is not.
Initial :[2, 9, 8, 3, 6, 2, 4, 1, 7, 6] Expected:[1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9] Actual: [1, 3, 2, 4, 2, 6, 9, 6, 7, 8]
A working example can be found here: https://ideone.com/UQrzY1
Provided a shorter example and input/output.
There is a reason the bug in the “swap-nodes variant” is hard to pin down:
You don’t support debugging.
Make it a habit to have classes provide a basic toString()
/** doubly linked list node */ static class Node<T> { … /** constructs a <code>Node</code> given data, next & prev */ public Node(T d, Node… @Override public String toString() { return String.valueOf(data); } }
It’s a bit more complicated with the lists –
/** Append string representations of <code>node</code>s * <code>data</code> to <code>head</code>, following * <code>next</code>s til <code>end</code> (or <code>null</code>) * (inclusive) */ Appendable append(Node<T> node, final Node<T> end, CharSequence separator, Appendable head) { try { while (end != node) { head.append(String.valueOf(node)); if (null == node || null == (node = node.next) && null == end) return head; head.append(separator); } head.append(String.valueOf(node)); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return head; } @Override public String toString() { return ((StringBuilder)append(front, null, ", ", new StringBuilder("["))).append(']').toString(); } void bug(String label, Node<T> node, final Node<T> end) { System.out.append(((StringBuilder)append(node, end, ", ", new StringBuilder(label).append('('))).append(")n")); } String verbose(Node<T> n) { return "+" + n.prev + "<-" + n + "->" + n.next; } private void quickSort(Node<T> begin, Node<T> end, Comparator<T> comparator) { bug("quicksort", begin, end); if (end != null && begin != end && begin != end.next) { Node<T> temp = partition(begin, end, comparator); System.out.println("begin: " + begin + ", temp: " + verbose(temp) + ", temp == end: " + (temp == end)); quickSort(begin, temp.prev, comparator); bug("between", begin, temp.prev); quickSort(temp.next, end, comparator); } }
Using above intrusive debugging, you can see that end
doesn’t stay the end of the right part – how would it being picked the pivot element in a Lomuto partition.
Nor does begin
stay the beginning of the left part – you’d seem to need successor of begin
‘s predecessor and predecessor of end
‘s successor respectively.
Ensuing a wagonload of special cases without sentinel nodes before and after the list.