I found a source describing that the default gc used changes depending on the available resources. It seems that the jvm uses either g1gc or serial gc dependnig on hardware and os.
The serial collector is selected by default on certain hardware and operating system configurations
Can someone point out a more detailed source on what the specific criteria is and how that would apply in a dockerized/kubernetes enivronment. In other words:
Could setting resource requests of the pod in k8s to eg. 1500 mCpu make the jvm use serial gc and changing to 2 Cpu change the default gc to g1gc? Do the limits on when which gc is used change depending on jvm version (11 vs 17)?
In current OpenJDK, G1 GC is chosen by default for the “server class machine”, or Serial GC otherwise. “Server class machine” is defined as a system with 2 or more non-HT CPUs and 2 or more GiB RAM.
The exact algorithm can be found in src/hotspot/share/runtime/os.cpp:
// This is the working definition of a server class machine:
// >= 2 physical CPU's and >=2GB of memory, with some fuzz
// because the graphics memory (?) sometimes masks physical memory.
// If you want to change the definition of a server class machine
// on some OS or platform, e.g., >=4GB on Windows platforms,
// then you'll have to parameterize this method based on that state,
// as was done for logical processors here, or replicate and
// specialize this method for each platform. (Or fix os to have
// some inheritance structure and use subclassing. Sigh.)
// If you want some platform to always or never behave as a server
// class machine, change the setting of AlwaysActAsServerClassMachine
// and NeverActAsServerClassMachine in globals*.hpp.
bool os::is_server_class_machine() {
// First check for the early returns
if (NeverActAsServerClassMachine) {
return false;
if (AlwaysActAsServerClassMachine) {
return true;
// Then actually look at the machine
bool result = false;
const unsigned int server_processors = 2;
const julong server_memory = 2UL * G;
// We seem not to get our full complement of memory.
// We allow some part (1/8?) of the memory to be "missing",
// based on the sizes of DIMMs, and maybe graphics cards.
const julong missing_memory = 256UL * M;
/* Is this a server class machine? */
if ((os::active_processor_count() >= (int)server_processors) &&
(os::physical_memory() >= (server_memory - missing_memory))) {
const unsigned int logical_processors =
if (logical_processors > 1) {
const unsigned int physical_packages =
os::active_processor_count() / logical_processors;
if (physical_packages >= server_processors) {
result = true;
} else {
result = true;
return result;